Walking Outside vs. Treadmill Walking: Which Is Best for Your Health? And some tips for beginners who want to start walking for fitness

Benefits of Walking Outside

1. Burn More Calories:

Walking outside, you encounter wind resistance and uneven terrain, making your body work harder. Unlike a motorized treadmill, where the belt moves for you, outdoor walking requires more effort, leading to increased calorie burn.

2. Strengthen Different Muscles:

Outdoor terrain variations—such as sloping sidewalks, steps, and hills—engage stabilizing muscles. As you age, these muscles are essential for balance, core strength, and overall health.

3. Boost Your Mood:

Studies show that “green exercise” (outdoor physical activity) improves mental well-being. Nature walks reduce stress and anxiety and enhance working memory compared to urban walks.

4. Train for Longer Distances:

While treadmills are great for shorter workouts and form practice, outdoor training is better for long-distance events. It engages more muscles, helping prevent aches and pains during extended walks.

Benefits of Treadmill Walking

1. Controlled Environment: Treadmills offer a consistent surface, controlled speed, and incline settings. This can be helpful for specific training goals or when weather conditions are unfavourable.

2. Convenience:

Treadmills are accessible indoors, regardless of the time or weather. They’re ideal for shorter, focused workouts.

3. Joint Impact:

The impact on joints is similar whether you walk on a treadmill or outdoors. The risk for injury is not significantly different.

Here are some tips for beginners who want to start walking for fitness:

1. Start Slow:

Begin with shorter walks at a comfortable pace. Gradually increase your duration and intensity as your fitness improves.

2. Proper Footwear:

Invest in good walking shoes that provide support and cushioning. Ill-fitting shoes can lead to discomfort and blisters.

3. Warm Up:

Spend a few minutes doing dynamic stretches (like leg swings or arm circles) before you start walking. This helps prevent injuries.

4. Posture Matters:

Maintain an upright posture with your head up, shoulders relaxed, and core engaged. Swing your arms naturally as you walk.

5. Choose Safe Routes:

Opt for well-lit paths, sidewalks, or parks. Be aware of traffic and follow pedestrian rules.

6. Hydrate:

Bring water with you, especially on longer walks. Staying hydrated is essential.

7. Listen to Your Body:

Avoid discomfort or pain. Rest if needed, and consult a professional if you experience persistent issues.


Both outdoor walking and treadmill use have their advantages. Consider your goals, preferences, and the weather when choosing. Variety is vital—mix it up to enjoy the best of both worlds!

Always consult a healthcare professional before starting any new exercise routine. Enjoy your walks! 🚶‍♀️🏋️‍♂️

4 responses to “Walking Outside vs. Treadmill Walking: Which Is Best for Your Health? And some tips for beginners who want to start walking for fitness”


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